About Me

Hi, my name is Emma Young.

I have the privilege to support amazing women to live their best lives possible by helping them to transform their health and wellbeing to be vibrant, resilient, looking and feeling fabulous.

My interest in natural health has been lifelong and from a very early age I was fascinated with the body and how it works. An early memory is being in school and having to present a display of our hobbies and interests. While other children showed football or collections of money boxes I brought in my collection of Body Shop products and talked about the skin from what I had learnt reading books.  

I live in Somerset, UK with my husband, teenage twins and our dog, Luna. When I am not working or looking after my family, I love pottering in the garden with a particular interest in herbs. I love walking and reading but also enjoy a good dance around the kitchen.

I trained as a holistic therapist and went on to study complimentary therapies such as massage, reflexology and aromatherapy where I discovered my interest in plant based medicine.

That was over 30 years ago and over that time I have added additional therapies such as nutritional therapist, hypnotherapy and functional medicine having gained varied experience within the natural health care industry from lecturing to clinic work where I have supported many clients to make positive changes in their wellbeing.

Life Gold has come out of a passion and a genuine desire to help people become healthier, happier and live longer. My desire is to inspire and empower people to make informed healthy choices for themselves and their families, to improve their wellbeing and bring their lives into balance and to enable them to live healthier and longer lives.

Recognising health as a dynamic interconnected web of different components that is personal to the individual, I have identified 6 health beacons that all need to be in balance for the individual to achieve health and wellbeing. Focusing on only one or two areas will not achieve an equilibrium and may lead to chronic ill health.

Change is hard and even when we know we need to make changes, the transition can seem impossible to achieve, this is where the support and guidance of a health coach is invaluable. I support and facilitate change and transformation through motivational positive psychology, solution focused hypnotherapy and education.

I love my role in supporting life changing transformation, it is wonderful to see people change before my eyes, becoming versions of themselves they never thought possible and seeing them sparkle! 

Life Gold Philosophy

The philosophy behind Life Gold Balanced Wellbeing is to help you to become the best version of yourself by helping you to achieve a balance in all areas of your life, experiencing health and wellbeing that allows you to be happy and gives you the energy to live your life to its full potential with vitality and positivity as you deserve.

The 'Gold' is actually short for 'Goldilocks', from the story where everything had to be just right for her. This is exactly the same for us. We need to find our own individual balance unique to us, our 'Life Gold' to experience our best self.      

To achieve your personal Life Gold Balance we use cutting edge evidence based testing with the latest technologies such as measuring your biological age that shows how rapidly or slowly your body is ageing or genomics that looks at your genetic profile in order to understand your individual physiology along with traditional practices that have proven effective for thousands of years. This gives total personalisation and helps to identify your unique Life Gold profile.